Host Your Next Event as a Great Lakes Green Event
Benefits to Great Lakes Green Events participants
- Establish your event or organization as a leader in environmental sustainability
- Earn positive public recognition for your environmental leadership
- Support local communities and protect the environment
- Market your meeting as a Great Lakes Green Event
Great Lakes Green Events is an initiative designed to encourage destination stewardship and environmentally beneficial practices at conferences, corporate meetings, and other events in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence region.

Become a Great Lakes Green Events Partner
Is your organization looking for an opportunity to establish itself as a leader in environmental sustainability? Consider hosting your next meeting, trade show, conference or event as a Great Lakes Green Event. Participants in the Great Lakes Green Events program earn positive public recognition by supporting tree planting projects and committing to implement at least one sustainable practice (click to download PDF) at their event. Leave a lasting positive legacy in the Great Lakes region - become a Great Lakes Green Event partner today.
The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (GSGP) created Great Lakes Green Events as a program under the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Trees Initiative - a regional effort led by GSGP to plant 250 million trees across the region by 2033. Great Lakes Green Events partners will help us achieve our goal. Financial contributions support regional tree planting including on-the-ground partners planting trees in local communities.
Find the right partnership level for your organization
- Birch (US$1,000+) Your financial contribution will support the planting and care of trees in the host community.
- Oak (US$5,000+) Combine support for tree planting with a customized event sustainability plan to fit the needs of your event. Financial contribution plants more trees in the local community and supports the creation of a sustainability plan by GSGP staff.
- Maple (US$10,000+) Create a meaningful, hands-on volunteer experience for attendees or staff. Your financial contribution covers the cost of trees, planting materials (e.g., gloves, shovels), refreshments, GSGP and local planting partner time.
Ready to become a Great Lakes Green Event Partner?
The typical event attendee creates
- 4.2 lbs. of waste per day
- 2.6 lbs. of landfilled waste per day
- 389.5 lbs. of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2E) emissions per day
(Source: MeetGreen)
Planting 2 trees can help capture the CO2E emissions from one attendee and helps balance the environmental footprint of your event.
Great question! The number of trees planted depends on event location (i.e., urban vs. forested), cost of trees, etc. On average, one urban tree costs $1,000 to plant and maintain for three years. Trees planted in forested areas cost approximately $5-15 per tree depending on location.
Previous partners have used the following strategies to fund their participation in the Great Lakes Green Events Program
- Included sustainability efforts in future budgets
- Secured a sustainability sponsor to support participation in the program
- Allowed attendees to choose an optional add-on of $1-10 at checkout to balance their environmental footprint
- Identified a local partner that can donate trees and/or or staff time
- A combination of the above
We use iTree to calculate the estimated benefits the trees planted have on the environment and local community.
After your event, we will send you a report of the estimated amount of carbon sequestered, gallons of stormwater runoff avoided and intercepted, total air pollution removed and any energy savings the trees will have over the next 20 years.